We all have a story to tell. We have people to thank, places we've been, endured hardships we never thought we'd recover from. Yet, here we are, surviving. At 30, I never thought I'd be where I am at in life currently, but then again...I've concluded it's good to have loose guidelines on life rather than plans. We all know life doesn't go as planned afterall.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Don't count on me to call 911.

Tag! You're It!

So when I was a kid we played your typical childhood games especially outside in decent weather. I am reminded of this one time my brother, Jason, and cousin, Kristy, were all playing outside hide-n-go seek/tag.

The person hunting would count, the other two hide, then the hiders had to make it back to a previously established SAFE place before being tagged.

The garage doors were safe during this game. This would not have been a problem with the exception that the garage doors had windows. As my brother ran to be safe as I'm pursuing him to tag him, you guessed it...he put his arm straight through the window.

Hmm, I do believe I'll save you the gory details (unless you want them), but he had quite the gash in his arm. We went in the house and while my step-father was getting a towel to wrap my brother's arm, I was supposed to call 911. I picked up the phone, then fainted.

I know a lot of good I was!

I came to shortly after because I was awake before the ambulance got there. My brother ended up with 104 stitches up and down his arm. It took a long time to heal, but in the end, nothing permanently debilitating.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Puffs Plus with lotion...

I'm a simple girl with simple tastes. I like the ins and outs of ordinary things.

So here it is, my favorite tissue for many years standing now.

why you ask? I'll tell you why. Every time one of these tissues inevitably ends up in my laundry, it comes out in 2 pieces because it's 2 ply and that's it. The others end up in 15 billion pieces.

I swear I check all my pockets before laundry...I have no idea where the tissues hide, but boy do they hide in the midst of illness!

Thank goodness I was at target the other day when I didn't have any tissues on my person, I picked some up, but at that time I wondered if there is proper ettiquette when you NEED a tissue and there is not one available. There was NO STOPPING this waterworks and no tissues or napkins on me of any kind! Sleeve? the inside of the top of the shirt. I know I have used both at one point or another. Or a glove when outside in the cold...I hate that though, hurts your nose!
