We all have a story to tell. We have people to thank, places we've been, endured hardships we never thought we'd recover from. Yet, here we are, surviving. At 30, I never thought I'd be where I am at in life currently, but then again...I've concluded it's good to have loose guidelines on life rather than plans. We all know life doesn't go as planned afterall.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I Don't Know (sometimes the most intelligent words to hear)

So as you know, I deal with this thing ongoing throughout life called Cancer. Today was the third spine specialist I've seen in the past 2 months. He is actually an orthopedic doctor specialized in spine and cancer. You know what, I went in there, I filled out my life history basically was taken to a room, told to strip and put this ultra non-chic gown on and have a seat. Over an hour passes by before anyone comes back. In case you didn't know, those gowns are not meant for warmth, so I used my coat as a snuggie. Then the nurse practitioner comes in and asks me my life history again just to make certain what I have written is accurate?? Perhaps he's going to write a book about me. Nah. Anyhow, he's in there for maybe 15 minutes and orders an x-ray. A lot of time passes by again before Portia (pronounced porche) comes to take me for the x-ray. She was nice, but I'm a bit worried about her taking my x-rays. In the short time I was with her, she admittedly was confused with thinking. Hmmm. I was glad to be done with that, lord only knows what permanent damage she's done to my body. Finally, Dr. Albert Aboualafia comes in, states how cold it is in my room and insists we move the party next door to the conference room where it's atleast 10 degrees warmer still in my gown mind you. We sit down, he asks me a few questions just to confirm the answers I wrote and gave to the nurse. He says he doesn't know why it hasn't healed itself yet, but he's confident with the new medication I started recently that it will in a few months time. And here I find comfort in this unknown. Odd, I think but I suppose just the thought that the pain will come to an end soon and normal activity will be attainable again. THREE specialists to hear this.....

1 comment:

  1. Seems there are websites where you can rate MD's... Share your voice! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34794632/ns/health-health_care/
