We all have a story to tell. We have people to thank, places we've been, endured hardships we never thought we'd recover from. Yet, here we are, surviving. At 30, I never thought I'd be where I am at in life currently, but then again...I've concluded it's good to have loose guidelines on life rather than plans. We all know life doesn't go as planned afterall.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


So recent pain in my Left Hip that was unexplained (i.e. no injury) prompted me to ask the Dr. for another scan. The CT of chest and body bone scan shows progression of the lung nodules, a new lesion on my liver, and something going on in my Left Hip/Pelvis Region. Additional scan of Left Hip shows Avascular Necrosis of the Head of the Femur in the Hip joint. Yeah, if you know what Necrosis is...it's death, so that's never a good thing.

So what's the plan? Well, surgery 1st to remove ovaries (bye bye last hopes of every having a duplicate of my genes in a little one) and putting in a mediport.

Sexy, huh? Help me come up with a good story as to why I'll have this lovely lump on my chest...it will surely be a topic of discussion. I've opted to FINALLY get one because the poor nurses are down to drawing straws every three weeks for my treatment because the years of medication and abuse has turned my veins into little fragile things :( Friday I was stuck 4 times before one worked and now it looks like someone beats me because of the bruising of all the sticks. Try explaining that all the time!

Then changing up my treatment...Remaining on the 3 week Herceptin and Zometa, but now add a hormonal treatment of 2 Buttock shots every 4 weeks. Faslodex...it sounds wonderful. It's thick and each injection takes 3 minutes to push in...Awesome. This is instead of the daily pills I used to take that stopped working.

Oh, the hip you ask. Well, who knows. There really isn't much they can do for a bone that has lost vascularity. After the surgery and getting the new treatment squared away...I'll be headed to an orthopeadic surgeon to figure that out. All I can say that if a walker or cane is in my future...It better be all BLINGED out! LOL.

I still feel pretty good, so each day I'm thankful for that and I just roll with it. I literally live for each day.

Friends, family, and work...could not be more supportive.

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