We all have a story to tell. We have people to thank, places we've been, endured hardships we never thought we'd recover from. Yet, here we are, surviving. At 30, I never thought I'd be where I am at in life currently, but then again...I've concluded it's good to have loose guidelines on life rather than plans. We all know life doesn't go as planned afterall.

Friday, October 7, 2011

A new Chapter

Well, I'm doing it. I'm quitting work the end of November. My days are no longer consistent as to how I feel except I'm tired a lot more now and hurt some days. Right after I'm done working...I head to the Domincan Republic for a week. Then....the sky is the limit!!!! I'm really looking forward to it. I have hopes of going to Florida, California, Colorado, Texas, maybe Peru...heck who knows! Also I always wanted to take the motorcycle safety course and a cake decorating class. Who knows!! I'm still figuring out all the details with insurance and all that jazz, but it'll all work out...it always does!

My new med is coming tommorrow in the mail from a specialty pharmacy. It sounds like a lot of pills on an empty stomach. Half of the people that take this medication get sore hands and feet...blister. It can cause the liver to work improperly and cause heart damage.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello Tykerb

The lucky new drug is Tykerb. Another cellular specific medication that works similar to Herceptin that I've been on as long as I can remember now. Even though Herceptin has failed me...it still slows progression, which is why I stay on it. Tykerb is pill form, but needs purchased from a "specialty pharmacy" meaning one in the mail approved by my insurance. My insurance wouldn't approve a 90 day supply and my copay for a 30 day supply is over 50 dollars...sheesh! Lets hope it works with minimal side effects! More news to come, just not made public just yet.

Lately I feel tired a lot of the time, but can't sleep and nauseous, and can't eat. The doctor gave me meds, which make me feel more tired and difficult to get through the day, so I won't take them...blah blah!!!!