We all have a story to tell. We have people to thank, places we've been, endured hardships we never thought we'd recover from. Yet, here we are, surviving. At 30, I never thought I'd be where I am at in life currently, but then again...I've concluded it's good to have loose guidelines on life rather than plans. We all know life doesn't go as planned afterall.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wallpaper, how do I loath thee?!

So, since I'm getting ready to uproot my life and move back home to PA. I need to get my current house prepared to sell. It's a buyers market currently. That's good and bad. It's bad that my house needs to be immaculate prior to showing it and needs to be available for a showing at a moments notice. It needs to be "move in" ready. That means fresh paint, removal of wallpaper, new sockets and covers, and all those little bells and whistles. My friends Stacy and Justin were so kind as to come over and help remove wallpaper and man...Justin is a working fool!

Here's the ridiculous process:
use the "paper tiger" that puts tiny holes in the wallpaper
spray with Dif Gel
use the razor blade scraper and remove layer 1 of wallpaper
spray with Dif gel
use razor blade scraper and remove layer 2 of wallpaper
spray with Dif gel
use plastic putty scraper and remove layer of glue.

Yeah, so it's not like it's once and done, it's basically doing the same thing THREE times. It's rather redundant and time consuming. Today, working alone however, I did get to quietly think and sort through my random thoughts. It was nice and peaceful, but I still wish it were done. It's only about 3/4 done. I have 2 obstacles that I need man muscles for too, I was unable to remove the medicine cabinet myself and behind the toilet...they will just have to wait for now.

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